
Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 24, 2010...
(sorry, didn't get this published on the 24th!)

Outside my window...sunshine yet cold.

I am thinking...about new projects to create!

I am thankful!

From the learning rooms...she isn't feeling well, so we will do make-up work tomorrow!

From the kitchen...Seven-up and soda crackers!

I am wearing...workout clothes (haven't worked out yet)

I am entry for ClothPaperScissors' 2011 calendar contest - theme is "Make it Pretty"...and still working on the mixed media nest.

I am the post office later.

I am reading...Brer Rabbit stories to my little girl as part of Black History Month.

I am finish another project by the weekend - either the painting or a small quilt project.

I am little girl's voice as she does her "pretend play".

Around the house...I am doing good at keeping the kitchen neat.

One of my favorite things...the warm feeling from cuddling with my little girl under a fleece blanket.

A few plans for the rest of the week: catching up on school work.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...the entry into Cloth Paper Scissors 2011 Calendar Contest

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More on the name....

In the days of antiquity, soon after the foundation of the earth was laid, 12 Tribes of people - all descendants of one man who had received a tremendous promise - emerged from all of humankind as one nation through which all of world history can be viewed.

12 Tribes is a celebration of the legacy this ancient people left for those of us who live today!

These 12 Tribes originated from the sons of Jacob, the Biblical patriarch....12 in number from different mothers. Their story is far from being dry or boring...the human drama excels the best plot-lines of even modern dramas, action-adventures, and romance!

For this post, I am simply sharing their names...and the idea that each of their names hints at a wonderful legacy for us to inherit.

You see, in Biblical times, great care was taken in giving a child their name. Frequently, inquiry was made to God on what name a child should be given. The name of someone was believed to represent 3 ideas: the very person; all that is known about the person, and the very presence of the can see how incredible this concept is when considering that Christians asked to pray "in Jesus' name"! To find the meaning of someone's name was to know quite a bit about the person and the destiny of that person.

So, relating this to the 12 sons of Jacob, first we investigate the meaning of their names. The Tribes (in order of birth) and the meaning of their names are as follows:

Reuben - viewing (or behold) the son
Simeon - hearing and obeying
Levi - joining or cleaving to
Judah - confession or praise of God
Zebulon - home or dwelling place
Issachar - reward or what is given by way of reward
Dan - judging
Gad - a company
Asher - happy or blessed (blessings). This word is always in the plural form.
Naphtali - a wrestler or striving with
Joseph - added, an addition
Benjamin - son of the right hand

After some prayer and a leading to reduce the meanings of the names to one word which would convey the same idea in more modern terms for our use here, I developed the following list:

Reuben - Adore/Worship
Simeon - Wisdom
Levi - Embrace
Judah - Praise/Declare
Zebulon - Abide
Issachar - Reward/Treasure
Dan - Discern
Gad - Fellowship
Asher -Blessings
Naphtali - Conqueror or victory
Joseph - Increase
Benjamin - Honor

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 18, 2010...

Outside my window...the sun is bright early this morning - melting the final snow from the storm last Thursday.

I am today will be so relaxing - no place to go, no errands to run!

I am thankful for...the home my husband provides for his family

From the learning we will be learning how to carry a number in addition.

From the kitchen...hmmmm - apple cinnamon muffins for breakfast.

I am wearing...jeans, white tank, red cardigan over.

I am creating...a mixed media piece featuring a nest - the theme is inspired by Pslm 84:3. I will post pictures of my progress soon!

I am going...downstairs soon.

I am reading...bits of many things - a paper on trauma therapy; a novel inspired by the hit series "Monk"; and a small book on teaching your children healthy sexuality. Of course, there is the daily quiet time - this week I am just really enjoying a deeper level of Psalm 139!

I am get more art time in later today.

I am hearing...the washing machine in the other room.

Around the house...I will be putting the final lace curtain up in the living room.

One of my favorite things...the idea and feeling of sanctuary.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Scrubbing the kitchen floor, dusting, preparing soil in the garden.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...the steps from the lower driveway after the storm!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Red Thread Animation and Just What is Zakka?

I found this cool video at a blog I like - Zakka life....very cool! Any sewer out there will be amazed at the animation!

Now, do you wonder what the "Zakka" phenomenon is? I looked up the definition and here is what Wikipedia said:

Zakka (from the Japanese 'zak-ka'(雑貨)or 'many things') is a fashion and design phenomenon that has spread from Japan throughout Asia. The term refers to everything and anything that improves your home, life and outlook. It is often based on household items from the West that are regarded as kitsch in their countries of origin. But can also be Japanese goods, mainly from the fifties, sixties and seventies. In Japan there are also so-called Asian zakka stores; that usually refers to Southeast Asia. The interest in Nordic design or Scandinavian design, both contemporary and past, is also part of this zakka movement. Zakka can also be contemporary handicraft.

I have seen a lot of things labeled "zakka", and the idea of "contemporary and past handiwork" really sums up what I have found - tea cozies, cute little hand made slippers, funky magnets for the refrigerator, handmade apparel, quilts, etc....everything I grew up making, and still love to dabble in...everything CRAFTY! "Zakka" sounds so much more exotic than "crafts"! LOL.

That's it for now!

PS - More "linear animation" can be found here, and following the related videos!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

February 24, 2010...

Outside my window...sunshine yet cold.

I am thinking...about new projects to create!

I am thankful for...

From the learning rooms...she isn't feeling well, so we will do make-up work tomorrow!

From the kitchen...Seven-up and soda crackers!

I am wearing...workout clothes (haven't worked out yet)

I am creating...still working on the mixed media nest - got sidetracked by other UFOs! But I did put the backing and hanging tabs on a cross stitched bell pull I had been working on for a couple of years!

I am the post office later.

I am reading...Brer Rabbit stories to my little girl as part of Black History Month.

I am finish another project by the weekend - either the painting or a small quilt project.

I am little girl's voice as she does her "pretend play".

Around the house...I am doing good at keeping the kitchen neat.

One of my favorite things...the warm feeling from cuddling with my little girl under a fleece blanket.

A few plans for the rest of the week: catching up on school work.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...the bell pull

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Altered Row Houses and Gothic Arches

Been browsing through mixed media you-tube videos and found these by sugarlumpstudios - I am thinking about trying some of these soon...

Here is an example of a book made with Gothic Arches by

And finally, the Gothic Arches tutorial:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sketchbook Project (My Life in a Yellow Submarine) - 6

This is just a closeup of the face for the last page of my sketchbook project...

The words in this submarine interior read:

Our spirit longs to be one with the Creator – the source of all life and love, so that life and love can flow in us and through us...

I have found Him by whom all things were created; both things in heaven and things on earth; visible and invisible things. All things have been created through Him and for Him. And since I have received Him, He has given me power...

He has poured love into my heart , so that I can love and receive love...

I really like the look of expectant joy in her face - I am looking forward to re-creating her on canvas!

And this is the end of my sketchbook submission! Hope it was enjoyable for you - it was great to experiment and document my thoughts on a spiritual journey!