
Thursday, July 29, 2010

How the Lord speaks to us...

I have held on to a card for most of my adult life, and recently have been thinking about its message....I have a photo storage box full of all kinds of meaningful clippings, quotes, cards and what not that I have collected over the years and it was there, after a joyful hour of sifting and sorting, that I found it again! Here is the message:

When the Good Shepherd speaks to His own,
He never uses words of despair, hopelessness, frustration,
defeat, discouragement, fear, confusion, or failure.
Instead, He gives His sheep words of hope, rest,
victory, peace, power, joy, triumph, and love.

Dayspring card

Photo by

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Great Devotional/Book on Teaching Kids About Friendship

I found this - somehow - definitely by God's grace! It is such an excellently done study on friendship that I am putting it here so that I can find it again and again...I do know we will be using it this year during our school days!

Friendship Deedz From A to Z by LauraLee Shaw

Click on the photo or the title to get to the site where you can read or download the book (it was mucking up my computer to have the whole thing in this post!). Remember, it's a free ebook!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What if...

"What if...." is a question we all ask ourselves one time or another. It is different from "If only....". 'What if' rings of hope, opportunity, possibility, a joy-filled risk! Her eyes say it all, as she gazes up and out to her future!

New angel painting - Angel of "What if..." It wouldn't fit in the Etsy picture window, so I am showing it here and there!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Awesome Worship!

We really had awesome church this morning....and I do like Jesus Culture...we sang this one today as a congregation, but Kim Walker can really send it soaring!! I love how simple the group is - letting the power be from who He is....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Quotes from a girl who knows she is loved...

Angel at the age she said these things....

I was cleaning up some papers and came across these quotes written on a calendar from last glad we wrote them down!

"I'd hate to be the kidnapper that took me...." (my husband is a big guy and is not afraid to use weapons!)

"I'm the best little girl in the world, because you're the best Poppa in the world...."

"When you kiss my cheek my toes twinkle...."

"When we hug my heart sparkles like fireworks...."

And one last thought...."Did you know your eyelids are like purses for your eyes?"

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Meet Pierre!

Meet Pierre - our new kitten! His "birth owners" say he flame-tipped Siamese and though you cannot tell, his eyes are a beautiful pale blue. He is plumb tuckered in this picture!!! He wriggled a little when the flash occurred, but was just too exhausted to chase the source...we actually brought him home the day after Cowboy died...Pierre wasn't a replacement; he was scheduled so that Angel could spend all of Saturday with him, helping him get accustomed to our place. I just hadn't shared yet because it seemed disrespectful to Cowboy's memory! Must be my old age playing games with my head! Anyway, Pierre is totally Angel's responsibility - she is learning how much money and time it really takes for just one pet - and how much advertisers appeal to our emotions - and how to sort through all those little impulse grabbers and end up at what is truly necessary...all these important lessons wrapped up in 20 sharp claws and a super motor! He already is quite the character - charming and deadly!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...the flower spot has matured in what we call "The Fairy Garden". The blue flowers are a type of vinca that is native to Texas. Everything looks lush thanks to the rains, heat and humidity..

July 6, 2010...

Outside my window...the grass is green once again thanks to last weeks rains (but that also means we will have to mow again soon!

I am thinking...about how God may be wanting to stretch me during this season of my life.

I am thankful for...air conditioning!

From the learning rooms...closed for the summer! (But really, every day brings opportunities for learning...)

From the kitchen...the watermelon "bowl" filled with fruit salad.

I am wearing...denim capris and a black tank top.

I am creating...a primitive folk art style painting of "The Tree of Life".

I am the Weatherford movie theater with Angel for the Tuesday morning free summer movie - today's is "Hotel for Dogs".

I am reading...a fiction novel from the Mitford series by Jan Karon.

I am hoping...for a productive day filled with joy and getting through my "to do" list.

I am hearing...the sounds of the household waking up into morning.

Around the house...finishing putting things away after our Fourth of July celebration.

One of my favorite things...a large, caffeine free Diet Coke with a shot of vanilla from Quick Trip - only 49 cents!

A few plans for the rest of the week...tackling (finally) the refinishing of the coffee table in the living room!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Wonder of God

picture is from this site

I just called a friend to invite her over for the 4th – she asked me to pray for her and of course I agreed, but I didn’t let her know how inadequate I was feeling lately. Little did I know what God had in store for ME! I invited the Lord to help pray for “the noise in her head” as she put it…immediately He began to parade images through my mind – Him breathing on His disciples before the crucifixion and saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit”; the way the smoke of the incense rolls and wafts – permeating everything it comes in contact with; the words “I (Jesus) am interceding for YOU” (my friend is a true intercessor, who constantly pours her prayers out for others); Him in His long, flowing robes walking with His arm around her shoulder in a peaceful garden setting, gently speaking to her “Relax, I want to minister to YOU, be at peace; and finally (and sort of humorously) the idea of a spiritual massage to let out any tension as He spoke that He would open the doors that needed opening and for her to use her present unusual free hours to enjoy Him and not feel that she should be using that time otherwise. Those images, the imagery, His ministry – exactly what was needed…tears flowed in the wonder of how He ministered exactly to both her needs as well as mine in one magnificent touch of His finger!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Beginning and the End (and everything in between!)

I know I haven't been around much lately - more on that later...

But this quote is from an online devotional I get in my mailbox every morning...

The rabbis of old noted that the Hebrew alphabet starts with the letter alef. In the middle of the alphabet is the letter mem, and the last letter is tav. Together, the three letters form the Hebrew word emet (truth). Truth is always the essence of the ... faith.

How profound! This reminds me of two New Testament passages:

John 14:6 - Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. and

Revelation 1:8 - I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
A powerful way to start the day!