
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Psalm of Cinquains - d


power, beauty,
and wisdom and honor - 
layed aside humbly to become...

I recently got inspired by David's work in writing Psalm 119...and at the same time had come across this instruction (from an old homeschool English book) for writing cinquains...I am sure it wasn't just a serendipitous coincidence!  So here I am, taking the 26 letters of the English alphabet and creating my own Psalm of Cinquain for my Lord...(one a week for imperfect prose!)

Here is the pattern for writing a cinquain:
Line 1 - states the title.........................2 syllables
Line 2 - describes the title....................4 syllables
Line 3 - expresses an action ................6 syllables
Line 4 - expresses a feeling..................8 syllables
Line 5 - another word for the title.........2 syllables

Would you like to join me in writing your own?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Psalm of Cinquains - c


A cross
stands distantly
calling to a people
lost...One turns; drawing close, he kneels...

I recently got inspired by David's work in writing Psalm 119...and at the same time had come across this instruction (from an old homeschool English book) for writing cinquains...I am sure it wasn't just a serendipitous coincidence!  So here I am, taking the 26 letters of the English alphabet and creating my own Psalm of Cinquain for my Lord...(one a week for imperfect prose!)

Here is the pattern for writing a cinquain:
Line 1 - states the title.........................2 syllables
Line 2 - describes the title....................4 syllables
Line 3 - expresses an action ................6 syllables
Line 4 - expresses a feeling..................8 syllables
Line 5 - another word for the title.........2 syllables

Would you like to join me in writing your own?

Monday, August 22, 2011

1000 gifts and then some...

Photo from this source - 80 top photos of rain - go check it out, the artistry will be a treat
Continuing the count - at least the written count (#215- #223)
and remembering gifts given throughout time:

2 1/2 inches of rain
about 12 days ago - so refreshing!

the return of night insects singing their symphonies
even they quit singing by the end of July!

frogs croaking their songs
as they were enticed from their early muddy hibernation -
and once again silent as the heat wave continues... 

school starting 

getting back to a schedule

tweener starting her tweener youth group

her desire to help and serve now that she has "graduated" 
from being Kidzoned!

still getting in a little afternoon siesta time!

the heat -
I am sure there is something positive about the heat?-
even weeds are dying
the undergrowth of our across the street neighbors forest has died down enough
that we can actually see them! (The neighbors that is!)
Linking up with Ann and others lifting up the song of thanksgiving....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Psalm of Cinquains - b


Majesty donned
In passioned quest His bride,
Watching o'er her preparation
with joy..

I recently got inspired by David's work in writing Psalm 119...and at the same time had come across this instruction (from an old homeschool English book) for writing cinquains...I am sure it wasn't just a serendipitous coincidence!  So here I am, taking the 26 letters of the English alphabet and creating my own Psalm of Cinquain for my Lord...(one a week for imperfect prose!)

Here is the pattern for writing a cinquain:
Line 1 - states the title.........................2 syllables
Line 2 - describes the title....................4 syllables
Line 3 - expresses an action ................6 syllables
Line 4 - expresses a feeling..................8 syllables
Line 5 - another word for the title.........2 syllables

Would you like to join me in writing your own?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sneak Peak Friday...mid August musings

I am all over the place these days...husband has had a couple of business trips, which puts my late night painting on the back burner...the Lord has brought more counseling opportunities, which is wonderful as far as walking in my gifting and seeing Him bring change in folks...

and it is August and my goals lately have been to simply stay cool - which means staying indoors as much as possible, which does give the opportunity to muse as I tackle little projects...dabbing paint and then on to something else that the tweener can participate in cleaning closets and figuring out why my head is so distractable (done while she is engrossed in audio books)...

it is time to plan the coming school year!  Yikes, we were going to start on the 15th!  Yes, we can, tho' I will still be writing lesson plans!   Pinterest has been invaluable as a virtual bulletin board!

See other wants/ideas here

before he left, dear husband put new lights in the office - no more yellow tints on white (I hope)...
Worked on face shading - do I want to tackle ears?  And the white looks true!

I want to declutter - my mind and the house...
and I know that is a sign of transitioning, a metaphor for something the Lord is working in my spirit
I find new purpose for fabric scraps that I have held onto for years...I cut strips and tie them on to ribbon and make something beautiful for spring - the colors say "New Life" to me...glittery purple with green streaks, and purple sheers and green sheers to compliment...

I am contemplating sewing through my (extensive) fabric declutter, repurpose, and I am looking forward to that sense of satisfaction of having not wasted a thing...I open the first box and find fabric scraps from the Christmas dress tweener wore when she was 3...
Fabric scraps large enough to make eight mugrugs - machine embroidery added this week while husband was out of town...thinking Anita might have liked the scraps for her quilting now

and perhaps that is why I feel in transition, because she (the tweener) is this girl/woman now - in transition herself.  I have boxed up the "dress-up" clothes from the under-the-stairwell closet...leaving out just a few of adult sized clothes that she and her friends can still fit when the mood strikes (I was surprised when she and a friend enjoyed an afternoon of make-believe and dress-up this summer..)

playing with fabric is a way I connect to my own mother - she sewed, and I learned to sew from her...and I learned not to waste A THING from her as well...

And I hear messages in my spirit...

I don't waste a thing - pain, triumph, past, present - 
all are recycled for your future of Purpose and Hope

I can do a new thing with the old that has been packed away...

You are finding light

You are revealing beauty pulled from darkness

You can teach the tweener all these things too... 

Joining with Jennifer and other creatives at Studio JRU

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Psalm of Cinquains - a

You are awesome
in this place, Holy God.
You receive me in Your Grace, my

I recently got inspired by David's work in writing Psalm 119...and at the same time had come across this instruction (from an old homeschool English book) for writing cinquains...I am sure it wasn't just a serendipitous coincidence!  So here I am, taking the 26 letters of the English alphabet and creating my own Psalm of Cinquain for my Lord...(one a week for imperfect prose!)

Here is the pattern for writing a cinquain:
Line 1 - states the title.........................2 syllables
Line 2 - describes the title....................4 syllables
Line 3 - expresses an action ................6 syllables
Line 4 - expresses a feeling..................8 syllables
Line 5 - another word for the title.........2 syllables

Would you like to join me in writing your own?

Monday, August 8, 2011

1000 gifts and then some...

Continuing the count - at least the written count (#194- #214)
and remembering gifts given throughout time:

A scorching summer - reminiscent of 1980...
no lawn mowing (there is no more lawn left)
the delight of a frozen popsicle - made especially delightful by the 100+ heat
Swim team championship finals
a green fifth place ribbon
a girl loving to swim...
always having a spot in the shade for swim team practice...
Him always giving me a shady place to park the car as well.
summer rhythms
free movies at the City Lights theater in Hudson Oaks
more understanding of the learning disability
she loving knowing that others' brains get tired when trying to read
a fuzzy black caterpillar
puppies keeping cool by "swimming" in water bowls
looking towards the future
colored contacts?
painted toe nails...

Linking up with Ann and others lifting up the song of thanksgiving....

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Trauma Prayers + Kisses from the Savior

by rhymz4jesus at photobucket

  Her face carried the wear of the previous four days; her lips speaking the fullness of her heart overflowing at having been on the receiving end of miracles this week.  The couple did what any shell-shocked family would do...they kept the rhythm of the life before, walking the pattern in an attempt to return the family to "normal", they joined with the body of believers on the first day of the week, as was their custom.   She said that his words were, "We have to; how can we not?" She consented, emotionally stunned and astounded and worn all at once, thankful for his determined leading.  She held in her arms the gift they had been given again...following the rhythm, the pattern...following the familiar path to the church nursery.  They clung to each other - her arms encircling comfort and protection which she had provided for close to two years; her gift sunk deep into her chest, as if the wee one would have crawled through her heart and down into the safety of the womb once again if it were only possible. 

The little gift smiled at the nursery workers who had prayed for her and with her during the first hours after breath had been forced out of lungs so severely that Careflight was called...her mother sharing that they had returned from the journey of facing off with death just Saturday evening - and now it was Sunday morning and the numb of being in the center of death and the blessing of being in the center of the miracle was all mixed together as she shared the story.  And there in the fellowship of women, she shared concern still deep, that the horse stepping on the gift wasn't the only trauma...needles and procedures and the strangeness of the hospital was now lodged in a toddler's heart and mind and the little one was clinging tight to maternal stability...

And I was the one standing closest, petting a tender little head to communicate comfort and understanding - the Spirit strong in saying we don't need to wait for altar call to pray - so warrior mother and one who has been given the privilege of praying over trauma many times in the past laid our hands on the small bruised body, wounded heart, sensitive spirit and went to the throne on the gift's behalf, and as we prayed, that head lifted up, fear being replaced with confidence; trauma memory uprooted by the joy and peace from the Holy Spirit filling up the being and we watched the truth of beauty being given in the place of ashes become real for a toddler as that little gift opened up to life abundant again, climbing from the lap of safety and engaging in what had been her normal Sunday morning activity for almost two years, as if nothing unusual had happened over the past week and it all happened in the fellowship of women at the gathering of believers on the first day of the week...

And we all felt the kisses of the Lord as our hearts and hands praised His lovingkindness...

Joining with Emily and other imperfects at Imperfect Prose

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pray for Rain

I have gotten this several times today, 
and thought it would be good to share in a larger venue... 

rain Pictures, Images and Photos
by cloudyraine123 at photobucket

                          Father, You said whatsoever any 
two or more 
come together 
and agree and ask in 
Your Son's name, 
it shall be given. 
We come to you, humbly, 
and ask that you bring down the rain to our parched lands. Our farmers and ranchers 
 need it desperately, 
as well as our firefighters. 
We ask this all in Jesus' name. Amen.