Well, today has been quite productive, after a week of being under the weather! Now fall is in the air, and I have the "re-organize, inventory, purge, simplify, sort" bug! Clothes - both Angel's and mine - have been sorted and some given away, some in a pile to embellish, and mostly, inventory for the cool weather has been accomplished!
Now today, the kitchen!!!! I have counters once again, the plastic container cabinet has been R.I.P.S.S. as well - mostly initiated by my younger son's generous donation of RUBBERMAID STACKABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS! Wow! That WAS organization!
I have decluttered countertops, decorated for fall, and even lit an apple-cinnamon candle....ahhhh, caramel apples coming up!
Here is the proof, my counters are clear! This is my first attempt to upload a video - and I think sound and video may not be working together...but at the very end, you will see my little girl's "Science Genius Lab" a.k.a a Barbie kitchen!
(Note the fall centerpiece - yes, I was on a roll!)
I just reviewed the video and there are dishes in the sink!!! Seed dishes...know what I mean?
You have definitely got that old cleaning bug!! Must be fall?!! LOL