
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sneak Peek Friday - Daughter of Virtue

(Click the button to see more studios from around the web!)Here is what I have been working on this week:

I've been re-working some of the art I did during the first class I took after listening to the call back into creativity...I had found Paulette Insall, an inspiring Christian artist, on etsy and enrolled in her "Faces" class. Recently, I noticed that some of my first paintings seemed a little stark - I have grown in the area of experimenting with and developing layers and so am bringing changes into some of the early work...

Here is an image of what this piece looked like "before". I changed the name from "Young in Mind" to "Daughter of Virtue". There will be a companion piece, too:

and the sketch I worked from...


  1. Hi..I'm Terri Smith from Dimples & Dragonflies. I just wanted to pop by and say how much I love your work. I didn't participate this past Friday in Jennifer's Sneak Peek, but I'm so glad I checked back to see what everyone else was doing..because I found your site. :)) Have a wonderful Saturday. Hugs, Terri

  2. I love how this piece evolved as you grew as an artist! What a beautiful face... she is SO pretty! Love the new piece! :) Thank you so much for joining us this week. It was fun to take a peek at what you were doing in your studio this week!

  3. She looks so contemplative. I think your new title is reflective of this. Virtue is a choice...

  4. Cindy, That is a beautiful and creative work of art! So happy to meet with you through this amazing journey! I love this totally new exciting experiences!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and your beautiful and kind words! I feel inspired and motivated with each one of tne comments and each one of the new connections!

    Have great Sunday!

  5. Cindy, That is a beautiful and creative work of art! So happy to meet with you through this amazing journey! I love this totally new exciting experiences!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and your beautiful and kind words! I feel inspired and motivated with each one of tne comments and each one of the new connections!

    Have great Sunday!

  6. I love how this piece evolved as you grew as an artist! What a beautiful face... she is SO pretty! Love the new piece! :) Thank you so much for joining us this week. It was fun to take a peek at what you were doing in your studio this week!
