
Monday, February 28, 2011

1000 gifts and then some...

Ah - I just read Ann's post, and am feeling challenged to make the list a place of sacrificial thanksgiving...and realizing that this week, the only sacrifice I am making is that of time...

30.  Time spent recording how He talks to me...captured here.
32.  Time spent in prayer - at church - and an immediate answer while at church.  Thank you, Lord, for confirming Your voice and will one more time for me!
33.  Making time to listen to the Daily Audio Bible for kids (always trying to find ways for the dear daughter to get a break from my voice).

35.  loving an incredibly intelligent girl with challenging learning differences.
36.  Reading the words of almost every school lesson our daughter has done. (I am learning so much!).
37.  Being able to be available to give this daughter the education she deserves.
38.  Beginning to love history!
39.  Time spent worshipping together with our church doesn't seem to be a sacrifice, yet it is a choice, so it is placed here, because I am hearing Him say that He still counts it...
40.  Taking time to find out, for that dear daughter, where JB is today, and finding this - a young person promoting clean water here.

And as I view this list, and I know the sacrifices are small, I also can see how love causes sacrifice to seem inconsequential.

Joining other gracious and grateful souls at

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sneak Peek Friday - How do you hear Him?

On my art table this week seems to be words, words instead of pictures, but I am sharing anyway (this image is from a class I took in 2009 from Paulette)...

I sat down to begin "writing my process for making a scripture prayer art piece", and immediately began to hear the now familiar flow of words/ideas/thoughts that issue from that inner place that I have come to recognize as that from which the Holy Spirit speaks. "I call to the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. I know when you stand up and sit down. I am there throughout the night watches; I never slumber of sleep." (These thoughts are coming in flashes, along with a flash of the area of scripture this thought comes from.) And as I begin to think about how He is doing this, another flash: "I bring these things to your remembrance".* Yes, I have spent time reading the Scripture, becoming familiar with not just the Words, but the Author of the Words Himself, and He is bringing them forward into my consciousness as He speaks...I am not saying this to say I am some sort of super spiritual person - as you can see from this post, I am not! - but I AM saying this to encourage you, that this is fruit anyone can enjoy, as it is grown from your own life in His Word...and the impression I had as He was speaking the above things to me is that He wanted the readers of these words to know that He was already speaking into your heart's desire of joining Him in the act of creating.

You might ask, "How do you KNOW if these flashes are God speaking or just good ideas from your own heart?" I had that question, too, and at that time (some years ago), my mind was turned towards James 1:17. The verse says, "
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow (NAS)." I understood this to mean - at the beginning of this journey of hearing His voice - that I could

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Letter from my heart...

3 days ago, I meant to tell you “I am sorry for being grumpy at you last night when you pinched my nose, waking me up to tell me to be quiet" (I was snoring you told me) and you were just needing someone with skin on to help you feel safe as you laid in the dark, mind whirring too much to sleep…and I didn’t take the time to say those words because we were all cheerful about our Sunday – going to church, going to help friends move, going to get your new drum set that God had blessed you with. Then yesterday, when you felt so bad that the bad feeling overwhelmed you and for that brief moment – you went black – darkness in your mind overshadowing your heart and turned its angry vicious voice on your own being and then on me as the pain and despair poured out over both of us…(where does that come from?)…our day was gentle, peaceful, beautiful, successful till then … our love touched again soon after…but I wonder about the black, the bad feeling … did I make it bigger? Do consequences enlarge it, enrage it? You apologized as soon as your emotions subsided … we both forgave … but there still has to be consequences … consequences meant to teach, to train, to remind, to begin a new and healthier habit … I want to help, but my box doesn’t seem to have the right sized tools to repair the deeper hurt when it makes its way to the surface … do you understand? Do you hear my heart? I desire to be an example of kindness; consequences don't feel kind - to either of us it would seem!

And it is here that I hear God's whisper, that my toolbox has been fashioned by His love, and the tools inside, of repair and reconstruction, include consequences as well as
faces touching forehead to forehead and nose to nose
and heart to heart,

forgiveness asked for and granted,
words fitly spoken,
soon finding some small joy to be shared together
(yes, it CAN be ice cream with chocolate sauce as long as it isn't ALWAYS that!),
remembering grace,
practicing reconciliation,
expressing the warm embrace of deeper understanding,
unconditional acceptance that rightly values the person apart from performance,
the gift of time...

All these interject and bind My Healing Presence into the deepest areas of need.

And isn't all this, all part of My definition of kindness*, the fruit of the Spirit?
To provide that which is suitable and useful?
That which will allow for roots of love to grow deep and strong?

And in humble awe, my soul is on its knees...


Joining with other imperfects at Imperfect Prose Thursdays.

Monday, February 21, 2011

1000 gifts and then some....

23. ...aching clear to the bone tiredness from helping friends...(it really does feel good; it feels alive!)

24. ...taking inventory of family values on a lazy Sunday afternoon...

25. ...smiles.

26. ...puppy dances.

27. ...the blessing of a drum set from homeschooling friends who found out we were looking for a set for Angel.

28. treats in the mail.
("heartsies" from Twig2Nest)

29. ...mail from the oldest son containing surprise samples of his artwork!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sneak Peek Friday - A commission peek and more Scripture Prayers...

I really enjoyed a creative week this week...I worked on another piece for my "Scripture Prayers" series (this one is from Colossians) ... I was privileged to be asked by another artist for my process so she could create some for her Bible Study group...

Would anyone else be interested in the information? Let me know - I might post a tutorial (smiles).

This is a glimpse of what is on my art table now - a commission I am working on...yes, just a peek allowed for now!

I am playing with Gold Acrylic (instead of Gold Gesso). I was reading somewhere - some time ago - that many of the Renaissance artists used gold gesso to give their entire painting a luminous quality...I am using it on this commission, and I am experimenting with abstraction in my mixed media...I am liking what is happening so far!

I am linking up with Jennifer and many other inspirational artists at Studio JRU's Sneak Peek the button to go exploring!


I so enjoyed the One World One Heart event! I found so many creative ideas, new friends (waving "hi" to "the other Cindy") and overall loved visiting with everyone! Next year? Maybe!

Now it is time to announce the One World One Heart giveaway winners!

The three winners for my giveaway are:

Terri from Blooming Ideas
Que Bella from Que Bella and
Diane from Diane's Mixed Art

Congratulations to the winners!

If any one else is interested in a print (you can see them here), I am also offering them for $10.00 each...please email me or leave a comment on this post...

Monday, February 14, 2011

1000 gifts and then some...

Continuing the count - at least the written count - and remembering gifts given through out time:

14. ...that he remembers to love and cherish me EVERY day, not just on Valentine's Day!

15. ...kisses!

16. that has weathered the years and matured to the place it is now.

17. ...handmade valentines

18. ....watching the sweet tweener get wrapped up in "Bieber Fever"...

19. ...that the tweener is drawn to someone who is a Christian (if you see the "Never Say Never" movie, you know for sure that Justin Bieber and at least his mom are Christians! And he is definitely a positive role model...)

20.. ...puppy love! (shhhh...can't tell here)

21. ...agape love...captured in this verse:

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8.

22. ...and because He loves me, I can grow in my ability to love...

Joining other gracious and grateful souls at:

Monday, February 7, 2011

1000 gifts and then some...

Beginning the count - at least the written count - and remembering gifts given through out time:

1. ...watching my daughter clean her room in preparing for an extended stay by friends while their parents went out of state...she knows how to vacuum! Without being told!

2. ...the husband who faithfully goes to work every day, and has for almost thirty years.

3. ...pile of laundry - the evidence of a warm, adventure filled day.

4. ...silken texture; jewel tone patches of vintage love still covering children grown.

5. coffee smells drifting up the stairwell.

6. ...flower bed wombs waiting for their petaled children to break through the dormant soil.

7. ...hearing that same daughter begin a tweener styled arrogant comment and, catching herself, turn it into a word of encouragement for her friend...

8. ...years ago, the Lord's spirit within pointing to a magnificent oak tree, and teaching my first lesson in thanks giving in the midst of pain.

9. ...His Perseverance!

10. ...mondays - the beginning of walking out the restful-ness of Sunday.

11. ...tears trickling out the corner of an NFL
player's eyes at the a cappella singing of the
National Anthem.

12. ...bird tracks in the snow...were they looking for comfort and warmth from a stone statue? Can even a bird practice idolatry?

13....Sunny snow shadows.

Joining other gracious and grateful souls at:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sneak Peek Friday - Guard your heart

It's time for another "Sneak Peek Friday" over at JRU Studios. This week I am showing something I made over the Christmas break, and I decided to offer for the One World One Heart Event. I used an outline of another piece I made last year because I really liked the look. I think I will make one more with a theme of prayer, since it looks like the girl is on her knees...what do you think? By the way, if you would like to enter the One World One Heart giveaway, just click HERE and leave a don't have to be a participant in the event to win, but just have a blog. : ).

Finally, to see all the other great "Sneak Peeks",
please click the icon below and visit Studio JRU!
