
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Beauty of Holiness....part 4

Isn't it interesting that when you are being led of the Lord, He puts the same topic before you often and in many sweet ways?  This past week was like that...and this week's post is a collection of what has come across my path as I visit friends on the internet!  And as I was preparing this, the Spirit whispered "I just want people to take a Selah moment; to pause and think about this; to soak in My ideas of beauty"...

If you are short on time, I highly recommend to read number 1 and number 3!

1.  First up, from Jen Price of I Believe In Love...her words, under her photo, in four lines say the Beauty post of last week...(she gave me permission to re-post this - so full of grace)...

dream a little dream
cast aside fear
plant a seed
watch it grow

2.  Next up:
Cloverton's "Take Me Into Beautiful" song...found through my friend Paulette Insall's sharing it on her blog...she has just launched a new creative class titled "Divine Romance" - teaching how to recognize the connection to the Creator when creating!

3.  If you read anything this Joybird's post about her post-Lenten thoughts and God's ways being wrought in her heart...someone in the midst of His hand molding the Beauty of Holiness....

4.  And finally a great video whose title captured me:
The Beauty of Different: Is Everyone REALLY Beautiful?

Linking with Tiffini at the House of Belonging
Linking with Emily and other imperfects at Imperfect Prose


  1. read joybird already...and loved it...will pop over to #1 here in a bit...but really enjoyed that song...thank you...

  2. Thanks for the link love! Reflecting on the beauty of holiness...ahhh, love of holiness!

  3. I read Joybirds post...just so raw and real yes? He has been saying the same to me in so many ways too. Soaking in His ideas of beauty. I love the whole post Cindy and I love the short words under the flower picture...just what I needed to hear. so happy you share like you do. Praying you are also soaking up much beauty today:)

  4. make the chaos a chorus, yes, exactly

    and humbled and honored by your kind words

    into the beautiful, my friend!

  5. I love this! For lack of another word to describe....BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you for sharing it!

  6. yep he more or less won't let you go. love that!

  7. i have read joybird's post too... and am so grateful for you cindy and the way you bring us into these selah moments... the way you show us Christ. thank you.

  8. I love this! For lack of another word to describe....BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you for sharing it!
