
Friday, July 15, 2011

Sneak Peak Friday - Creating Memories

This summer has been about creating - creating memories!

Yes, there are projects in various stages on the work table, 
but memories of these things are what we are busy making most days:

Swim team and swim meets

Skateboarding down the big hill

 Friends singing at a slumber party breakfast

Cupcakes for breakfast are more nutritious than sugar sweetened cereal!

Telling stories, late, late, late, at night (or was it early morning?)
 Volunteering at the therapeutic riding center - this is Angel's favorite horse.

Jr. Volunteers washing the horses after classes are over.

Keeping up with equipment and grooming items.

 Fourth of July water balloon fight (because there was a statewide ban on ANY fireworks!)

Dressed up as a mutant cow (notice the udder?) and getting free food from Chick-fil-a

Ahhhh, summer!


  1. Beautiful memories being made... blessings ~tanna

  2. Wow, how fun...she looks like she's having an amazing summer!!!

    Thanks for sharing a peek with us! =)

  3. It looks like you're having a fabulous summer. What a beautiful memory collage.

  4. Memories are one of my favorite things to create, Cindy! Looks like you are having an awesome summer :)

  5. Hi Cindy! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for the kind comments! COLOR COLOR COLOR all that European color! LOL!
    Your art is so touching and inspiring. I'm looking forward to spending more time getting to know you.
    I really smiled at your Summer fun. I have 2 daughters (grown up now) and remember how special those times were. The fun stuff really does stick with them for a life time!

  6. Good morning, Cindy! Just wanted to say, "yes", I wish we could chat and encourage each other in real 3D!

  7. Some wonderful memories created and captured here....and joy shared with others in the making of them too.

  8. What a fun summer you all are having! Love the photos. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting today. I truly appreciate it. :)

  9. what a awesome Blessing you are to that sweet vice versa. You BOTH look to be having a blast!

  10. What a fun summer you all are having! Love the photos. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting today. I truly appreciate it. :)

  11. Some wonderful memories created and captured here....and joy shared with others in the making of them too.

  12. what a awesome Blessing you are to that sweet vice versa. You BOTH look to be having a blast!

  13. Wow, how fun...she looks like she's having an amazing summer!!!

    Thanks for sharing a peek with us! =)
