
Friday, September 30, 2011

Sneak Peak Friday - A Little Bit of Everything

Over a year ago my sweet son loaded up the laptop that his dad (my dh) and he had decided I needed (I told them they were wrong - but it turns out I was!) with the awesome Photoshop program CS5!  Isn't he the best?  I had looked at it, played with it, tried to follow online tutorials to try to learn is awesome and it is HUGE...with homeschooling and other leadings, it seemed I never had enough time to learn it...but this past week, I worked through part of a course (free!) by Kim Klassen and this is just a little of what I have learned...of course this is my precious tweener - photo from about a year ago!

You can "mouse over" the photo to see the 'before' that I worked from...Kim Klassen also has a tutorial on how to do that!  I am getting so techy!

she turned just as I snapped the photo!
Another project that we did together is this sock monkey you see her holding...she wanted this kit a long time ago, and recently began working hard on it. She did most of it - I did the machine sewing on the sock as it is a little difficult to sew that stretchy material...We finished it just in time to give it to a friend's baby - whose nursery is being done up in monkey motif!

I have been working on sketching and the "Till We have Faces" angel...but the angel doesn't look like there has been any progress (ahh, that tedious stage), and I want to post this, so look soon for more, including the sketches inpired by Junelle and Jennifer

Some of you asked last week about the book by C.S. Lewis "Till We Have Faces" - it is a book he wrote for the love of his life, his wife, Joy.  The jacket declares that it is a retelling of the classical myth of Cupid and Psyche...from the back description "This is the story of Orual, Psyche's embittered and ugly older sister, who possessively and harmfully loves Psyche.  Much to Orual's frustration, Psyche is loved by Cupid, the god of love himself, setting the troubled Orual on a path of moral development."  If you are a C.S.Lewis fan, you won't be disappointed.  If you think he is hard to read, this one is as easy and full of adventure as the Chronicles of Narnia...and that is all I will say!

Joining with Jennifer and other creatives at Studio JRU

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