
Friday, February 24, 2012

Unveiling "Finding Sanctuary" an E-class

Watercolor dove in window
I discovered one wonderful aspect of painting with water colors this week that really has me eager to do more...when I get interrupted, I can just walk away without worrying my paint will dry up...I have loved my watercolor experiments of late {smiles}...

I've had birds and nests and eggs on my mind lately - 
as the Lord has had me "contemplating" on the word 

and the idea of "Finding Sanctuary"  ...

He has been patiently encouraging me and nudging me forward...
I am so amazed at all the different ways 
He has brought verses through my email inbox 
(you know how you can read the "same old verse" and all of a sudden it is rhema?)
And He knew which images I would be drawn to when reading favorite blogs...
2 Timothy 2:2
Zechariah 2:10 (on an image with a nest)
Psalm 84:3 - the one that always says "sanctuary" to me!
and so many more as I have asked "Is this really you?"

And so this week, with that inner witness so strong my heart was pounding and His promise that He rejoices to see the work begin, I committed to reveal - tho' all the little ducks aren't in a row quite yet and I am feeling very small (which means it is all up to God).  All of that being said, a quiet excitement is growing...I am on this journey too, and I cannot wait to share it with you (and those of you who join!).

Feel free to grab the button from my sidebar and click HERE for more information about the class


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