
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Simpl Woman's Daybook

August 7th, 2012

A peek into my's all about the tweener - someday she may be embarrassed about the "bedhead"!
Bed head, 3Ds, "chillaxin'" in the recliner, and fancy knee high tennis shoes - it's a tweener life!

Outside my window... it is dawn - I love how the sky lightens gradually, a slow revelation of the beauty of nature...

In the kitchen...Made an incredible mixed melon salsa - a flavor burst in the mouth!  Who knew onions and serrano peppers complemented melons?  And sweet tweener's mint collection came into play, too.

I am wearing...a white sundress to stay cool in!

I am creating...headbands, bracelets, and chokers out of leftover t-shirt knit from working on sweet tweener's T-Shirt quilt.  It is a tweener world.

I am take sweet tweener to the last free summer movie at the Weatherford theater - Madagascar 2 -

I am to make today's scripture reading into art...I can sort of "see" it, but I'm wondering...

From the learning room...Setting the schedule for the coming school year - only 3 weeks of summer left!

Around the house...sewing projects, cleaning out the school closet, planning the fall garden.

I am thankful...35 years of marriage {how did the years add up so fast!?} to the same steady, loyal man...
Our photos already have a vintage, faded look without ANY processing!  But on this one I did add Pioneer Woman's "soft and faded" action, because it really added an overall softness...

A favorite quote for today...
Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.                                                      Robert Frost
One of my favorite things...compliments from sweet tweener on what I have cooked.

A few plans for the rest of the week...a birthday party overnight at sweet tweener's friend's house, another get together with another friend later in the week, swimming?

A Scripture to meditate on from this morning: 
"Each man will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land." Isaiah 32:2
Lectio Divina:
We read the passage slowly: lectio
We meditate on the Word or phrase: meditatio 
We talk with God: oratio
We are silent: contemplatio

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