
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook

August 28, 2012

A peek into my day:

Looking for rectangles for a Beyond Layers challenge - and looking for them from old picture files on the computer...

I took these last fall,  when sweet tweener was having her pictures was such a good opportunity to snag some great texture...and shapes (as it turns out).

I loved the peeling paint, the crumbling stones in this old alley - and then I noticed the sign on the boxes stacked on the other side of the doors ->...
so many questions remained unanswered when I think of what that sign might mean!
Here are some vertical styled rectangles...and a horizontal one above and rectanglish crumbled stones around the bottom...and of course sweet tweener...I can't wait for her pictures this year!

Outside my was cloudy - and so cool for the dog days of summer here in Texas!  I love the rain we've been having lately!

I am thinking...about this school year - 6th grade already!  And so very Tween...

I am thankful...that she shares so much of her heart with me...I am honored...and for fat hummingbirds visiting our feeder every morning...

In the kitchen...just made another batch of laundry soap (recipe here).

I am wearing...a black T with little ruffles across the yoke and a "carpenter" style smokey blue long skirt.

I am image gallery on my Wordpress site!  I finally figured it out! (Keep checking back to see the progress).

We are visit David over Labor Day weekend; it will be interesting I am sure...

I am wondering...what will happen with the elections this year - illegal immigration, the health care bill, and the ever extending Federal government's reach...

I am reading...the Audiblox manual (a program for correction of all sorts of learning disabilities).

I am hoping...that the Audiblox program will also help Gary's slight TIA issues...

I am looking forward to...field trips, Texas State Fair, and an upcoming "stitching retreat" with the smocking guild!

From the learning room... from an article here...
Are geniuses really only better stewards then the rest of us? 
What would happen if every Christian used the 4 hours daily spent in front of the television a day (more than 126 hours a month!) or the near hour a day the average American surfs the internet and spent two of those hours developing their skill in a particular domain (woodworking, quantum physics, photography) and one hour more on the spiritual disciplines that lead into a deeper relationship with God, (prayer, memorization, Bible meditation, fasting) – only repurposing three hours a day from the five we spend on passive entertainment

Around the house...I finally have all the paper off of the refrigerator and proper "mini" magnetic whiteboards installed inside the kitchen cabinet doors.

A favorite quote for today...
I carry your heart with me; (I carry it in my heart); I am never without it; (anywhere I go you go, my dear)...E. E. Cummings
 One of my favorite things...white T's trimmed in lace...

A few plans for the rest of the week...going to the Birds, Beasts, and Beauty art exhibit on Thursday afternoon...

A Scripture to meditate on from this morning: 
Salvation belongs to the Lord; Your blessing be upon Your people!  Selah...Psalm 3:8

Lectio Divina:
We read the passage slowly: lectio
We meditate on the Word or phrase: meditatio 
A life of beauty is to be like a psalm, and a psalm needs many selahs. Our selahs will allow us to consider and reconsider what is most important. Our selahs will allow us to be refreshed, to receive and take God to heart, soaking in his love. The Voice of the Lord for Elul 4
We talk with God: Oratio
We are silent: Contemplatio - (Selah)

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