
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Reflecting on the need to collect...

I mentioned before that I am a collector:  I collect stories, pretty objects that catch my eye, interesting items that seem to speak of hidden meanings, vintage ephemera,  tattered is not just my stories, but others' that intrigue me...

I suspect that is why I like Pinterest, I can collect all sorts of things 
and they don't take up any more space than my laptop!

I collect written words that unveil eternal truths {especially those that reveal the depths of God's love, His desire to speak to us, metaphors that well describe His dealings with us, His dearly Beloved...} - an attempt to help those truths become like marrow to me!

Journals and sketchbooks become repositories of more abstract collections...thoughts, ideas,  memories...places to experiment and "try on" new directions...they are documentaries of the ethereal, the soul and spirit...personal histories of places and people...investigations of mysteries that have captured our curiosity -

Like the picture above - when I see this small fraction of the whole, not only do I wonder what it is, but who took it, what was it they were trying to capture, what were they exploring?  Do you?

I am eager to discover more!

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