
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Seventh Day of Hanukkah - His Light, His Perfection, Our Completion

"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another..."
1 John 1:7

Today we light the Seventh Candle, called Zayen which represents "Spiritual Perfection".

Spiritual perfection, or "completion", is only possible through Jesus.  He is the only One who lived a sinless, perfect life, and He bestows that onto us when we become His brothers or sisters.  All of our striving and trying to work out earning our salvation or proving we are worthy can be released...He has already done all that is needed.  

As we "let go" of our own feeble efforts, we become less burdened, more free, less controlling, more delighted in life, less immature, and more understanding of others and where they are in their journeys.  

Where we feel inadequate (imperfect), He joins with us to complete in us the very thing  we are lacking.  

His provision is perfect, so we never need to despair over our own limitations or areas of weaknesses or inability.  

He gives us His ability.  He empowers us to the same degree that we relinquish selfish control and surrender to His will. 

Applying the truth of the seventh candle
Read and meditate on the passage in 1 John 1:7-9.  If you are doing this as a family, allow time for each family member to share how they believe they can personally walk in Jesus light...

Following are my thoughts on verse 7: 
His light exposes our personal darkness; as we relinquish our darkness to His loving light, He cleanses us from all unrighteousness.  This is the repentance verse 9 speaks of.

Then, we can walk in Christ's light - His light obscures differences, erases the need to compare, allows us to "see" and accept one another from His perspective...THIS is true fellowship...

Write the thoughts down.  Use 3 x 5 cards or post it notes and place them around your home, allowing them to be reminders of how we can walk in and display His light!

Closing Prayer and Blessing

 May God's spiritual perfection, alignment, revelation, and provision be released in my heart, my family's lives and in Israel!

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