At my machine this morning - I find it interesting how the color of the fabric is reflected in the metal of the machine |
Recently I heard a question asked:
How do you strike the balance of finding inspiration every day without getting lost in it?
I can identify with this! I think every creative can...getting lost in inspiration is probably the opposite of the stuckness of the "blank page".
For me, Pinterest is a wonderful organizational tool, but just how many tutorials on painting a triad tree in watercolor do I
really need? What
is needed is to get into the studio and put water and paint on paper and use just one tutorial to get started - any one of us learns more by
doing rather than just being a perpetual student. And actually, the feeling/need/idea to keep learning may just be a stall tactic to keep from risking or avoid failing. It will keep one from finding his/her "own voice" creatively. And who we truly are, who we were created to be, and the things God wants to express through us remain inside - unexpressed and ungifted to the world.
Since we also learn by doing, we are still being a student, but in a way that will ultimately allow us to move in the direction God is leading...and that is what we all want anyway!
I like the following ideas. I know these sorts of helps encourage me be more mindful of time passing (some adapted and expanded from
1. "Create before you consume".
2. Don't confuse inspiration with getting things done.
3. Stack your inspiration stash...make a
stack of your creativity inspiration, then browse the stack
for a few minutes before bed, or during a time of rest during the day. Think about setting the timer
for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 20 minutes to avoid getting "stuck" in the inspiration mode.
Ideas for "stacks"*:
"how to" books
recipe books (doesn't everyone read cookbooks to relax?)
devotional books/Bible Studies (I get so much inspiration by reading other people's
insights - their words that create a picture)
the "stack" can even be integrated into the creative decor of the room in which you
choose to place it.
*how to "stack" digital products:
grab a URL of something you want to search out more and put it in a list of "Needs
further exploration" on Evernote, on a special Pinterest board, or even in an email
that you mail to yourself. You can also paste the URL in a document on your
How is your inspirational stack looking? I know mine is a little more tamed now...
Now, is it back to the stack or the studio? {Smiling}