I last posted! It has been full, getting ready for a holiday show...which was great, thanks to Misty and Katie! I made great connections with Beckie and another friend, Karen who introduced me into the wonderful world of "Thirty-One". I definitely will get a skirt purse in the future!
I also thought I might post a photo of one of the canvases I took to the show - I didn't really want to sell it quite yet - just wasn't quite ready to let her go (but you can buy her now)...I must say it has been interesting - being stretched and molded in a new way, interweaving faith and favorite scriptures with mixed media...this saint is done with acrylics, watercolors, and paper on a 12 x 16 canvas with the sides painted black and ready to hang...

Since the show last weekend, I have been trying to keep a little girl motivated to do school work with Christmas festivities sprinkled through the days! And catching up on reading my favorite blogs (several great posts to link to!) and allowing God to speak to my heart about the coming year...I am eager for the new He is bringing!
Hope there are Christmas melodies filling the air wherever you are!
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Wonderful painting!! It is hard to keep kids motivated this time of year. Everything is so exciting and so many surprises!! Ha!
Good luck
Wonderful painting!! It is hard to keep kids motivated this time of year. Everything is so exciting and so many surprises!! Ha!
Good luck