You, Lord, are True;
only You are the same
yesterday, today, forever...
for me!
Your peace
surpasses all
understanding, and my
understanding of You must be
by faith.
Quail rained
down each evening,
sweet manna with the dew...
each pointing to this Truth: He will
(Did you wonder what "Q" would bring to mind? I know I did - smiles - ..."X" promises to be intriguing, as well as "Z" - oh, just as I typed that, the word "Zion" popped in...I think I do have "Z" now!)
I recently got inspired by David's work in writing Psalm 119...and at the same time had come across this instruction (from an old homeschool English book) for writing cinquains...I am sure it wasn't just a serendipitous coincidence! So here I am, taking the 26 letters of the English alphabet and creating my own Psalm of Cinquain for my Lord...(one a week for imperfect prose, now upped to 2- or more!)

Line 1 - states the title.........................2 syllables
Line 2 - describes the title....................4 syllables
Line 3 - expresses an action ................6 syllables
Line 4 - expresses a feeling..................8 syllables
Line 5 - another word for the title.........2 syllables
Would you like to join me in writing your own?
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