A print of a series I did on the name of the Lord... |
The gentle darkening of the sky signaled the beginning...
A quiet hush,
A quieting of the mind,
of the heart,
of the spirit...
An invitation to rest.
And in that rest - that relaxing from the external clamor and responsibilities tugging for attention...
His call:
I am here.
I am the here - and the now.
Be present to Me -
receive from Me the mercy that is new every morning,
the strength that your soul needs,
the newness of a regenerated heart -
Let My love heal the wounds,
the sadness,
the loneliness,
Let My love fill the empty places.
And where you have wholeness,
Let My love lavish over you
as a fragrance to you and where ever you walk.
And as you rise at the coming dawn,
Let Me clothe you again,
over and over - and over and over
until you think you cannot possibly contain anymore...
My righteousness.
Open your heart to My unquenchable flow of
all that pertains to life and godliness,
that you might become partakers of the divine nature...
brotherly kindness
And when you emerge into this new day
you will find that you are able to rise up
as on the wings of an eagle.
Enter in to your new day!
© 2014Cindy Fort
Today marks the first day of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year...rather, it began last evening at sunset. And as I was meditating on how (in God's mind), the new begins with entering into the evening time, the darkness which leads to rest, I was led into the above word from Him - to me at least, and you who read here were on my heart as well, so I am sharing...
May this new season, this new year in the spirit, be full of abundance for you!