Now, we will look at the actual definitions of the words in this phrase from Psalm 29:2:
Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness.
Worship: The word translated "worship" here is the Hebrew word "shachah " which literally means
to "bow down" (There are actually at least 7 different words translated as "worship", each
to "bow down" (There are actually at least 7 different words translated as "worship", each
indicates a different posture or action.)
To bow our head to worship is the exact opposite of having "a stiff neck" which is always a figure of speech for having the kind of pride that says "I don't need the Lord or His help". Bowing shows submission to the one bowed are you bowing in your heart, with your head, or with your entire being today?
To bow our head to worship is the exact opposite of having "a stiff neck" which is always a figure of speech for having the kind of pride that says "I don't need the Lord or His help". Bowing shows submission to the one bowed are you bowing in your heart, with your head, or with your entire being today?
the Lord: The unutterable Name of God is translated "the Lord"...I love this thought by Rabbi
Lawrence Kushner and retold on this blog in detail (and it was also referenced in Ann
Voskamp's site)...but below I have summarized the main point in the article:

Breathing while bowing...remembering He is the source of all life, of this life that I am now living...even if I don't understand or don't like aspects of it. Ask: "Are my breaths deep and rhythmic, indicating peace and an attitude of patient waiting or calm receiving?" or "Are my breaths shallow and rapid, indicating anxiety or fear or worry or an uncertainty of this relationship between Creator and the created?"
Today I am checking myself...and you?
(More definitions next week!)
Joining with Tiffini at Word Women Wednesdays
Emily at Imperfect Prose
Voskamp's site)...but below I have summarized the main point in the article:
The letters of the Name of God in Hebrew are YOD, HAY, VAV, and HAY. They are frequently mispronounced as “Yahveh.” But in truth they are unutterable. Not because of the holiness they evoke, but because they are all vowels and you cannot pronounce all the vowels at once without risking respiratory injury...This word is the sound of breathing. The holiest Name in the world, the Name of the Creator, is the sound of your own breathing.

Breathing while bowing...remembering He is the source of all life, of this life that I am now living...even if I don't understand or don't like aspects of it. Ask: "Are my breaths deep and rhythmic, indicating peace and an attitude of patient waiting or calm receiving?" or "Are my breaths shallow and rapid, indicating anxiety or fear or worry or an uncertainty of this relationship between Creator and the created?"
Today I am checking myself...and you?
(More definitions next week!)
Joining with Tiffini at Word Women Wednesdays
Emily at Imperfect Prose
Post a Comment
I am processing this. I have learned some on the unutterable Name of God but not this much..about the vowels. His name is the sound of our own breathing...oh my Cindy! This is fantastic news tonight. Why - when I lay down to sleep I will think on this more. I just stopped "going" for the day and couldn't wait to see what you had to say. This is the good deep stuff that I love..always do from you:) may you continue to be steeped in His story..night:)
good stuff...breathing while bowing...taking it in...yeah i could use a check...smiles.
You'll find so much of this in the of holiness - I like that.
As your words rumble around in my head..I am blessed for sure! The sound of my breath is God's name. I love it
unutterable is beauty and in the old negro hymns is expressed as continues groan in song ... thank you ... this is a beautiful post and reminder on our need to remain humble ... this check in.
wow. i'm with tiffini... processing this, and it is changing my world. the holiest name is the sound of our own breathing. thank you beautiful friend.
yes, I am checking myself. This is so cool Cindy. I love it when you dive in deep. The name of God uttered in every breath. Magnificent. Reminds me of someone I once heard pray over communion who asserted that Jesus was asking us to celebrate and remember Him every time we ate. Not just the special or the ceremonial moments, but Emmanuel who wants to be with us in the everyday eating and breathing.