the LORD answered me and said,
"Record the vision
And inscribe it on tablets,
That the one who reads it may run."
Habakkuk 2:2
"Record the vision
And inscribe it on tablets,
That the one who reads it may run."
Habakkuk 2:2
Vision is specific. It is goal-oriented and undeniably
tenacious. Vision investigates and delineates what is currently practiced and seeks to
tweak it to produce qualitative results. Vision
personified walks in the Spirit of Excellence, aggravates the status quo, and frustrates any attempt to perpetuate mediocre
performance. Marcus Mason

Vision or Dream
boards have achieved notoriety in the past few years with the release of
the book, The Secret. An
endorsement from Oprah also didn’t hurt. Vision boards are based
on the Law of Attraction. The
idea that your mode of thinking directly affects what the
universe gives you. If you put
positive mental energy into the universe, you’ll be the
recipient of positive outcomes.1
a) set a realistic time frame to reach the goal,
b) think through the steps you need to
implement to move you in the direction of the goal:
eating sugar
* eat
more raw foods
exercise at least 20 minutes 5 days a week
c) note when I crave “comfort foods”
c) note when I crave “comfort foods”
make a list of alternatives to eating when I feel sad, upset, lonely,
you see how being very specific will challenge old patterns of behavior as you
develop new habits rather than being general and vague?
Counselors and life coaches know that “getting specific” plays an important role in people being successful in achieving their goals. It helps us to understand the many small steps needed to reach that larger goal. “Vision Boarders” say it is due to the “Law of Attraction”. However, research in the field of neuro-science leads us to a less nebulous yet no less amazing reality.
God's Design for Focus
The reticular activating system ( or RAS) is the portal through
which most information enters the brain.
It also filters the information, selecting what to pay attention to, how
emotional you will be about the information, and what information is going to
be simply swept into your subconscious awareness.
The RAS helps us consciously focus attention on something and dampens
down the effect of repeated stimuli such as loud noises, thereby preventing the
senses from being overloaded.2 Simply
stated, each of us has this RAS, and it functions as a type of radar – zeroing in
on information that is assessed as important and actively placing unimportant
information where it won’t clutter up our thinking. In our example, getting specific with the
steps to achieve the goal of losing twenty pounds gives importance to those
activities, resulting in a sort of “calibrating” of the RAS. We have in effect, programmed our mind to pay
particular attention to those actions and to disregard anything that doesn’t
line up with those goals. God’s design
within our mind is simply incredible!
I am thinking even of how often the
Scripture tells us to meditate on the Word of God, to set our minds on the
things that are above and not on the things of the earth, and to guard our
thoughts. These things help us to live a
life of peace and blessing because they help to “calibrate” the RAS to focus on
God’s ways!
"Write the Vision" as the Best Calibration
Secondly, The Law of Attraction emphasizes thinking about the items placed in or on the Vision Board. God’s command to “Write the Vision” includes a “call to action”…things are written so that the reader can “run”. That word “run” means to escort, run to meet, run as messenger, guard, and even (in a figurative sense) the activity of a prophet! I LOVE that in a sense, we are prophesying to ourselves by escorting, running to meet, guarding, and keeping the message!
Finally, HOPE permeates every aspect of God’s vision for us. In Habakkuk, He declares that “even though it tarries, wait for it, it will certainly come.” In another spot of Scripture we are promised that “His Word doesn’t return empty, but accomplishes that which it was sent to do” (Isaiah 55:10-11). I want this hope. I want my mind to be set on the vision that God has for me, because THAT is what He is championing and working towards in my life. And if I set my mind on those things, then that God-given radar of the reticular activating system will help weed out distractions and help me focus on activity, thoughts, words and deeds that will move me along on the path of this purpose and vision.
This, coupled with the Holy Spirit’s power working in and through me, is a truly dynamic and powerful combination! This is just one of the ways that I can “do all things through Him who strengthens me.”
1. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-blame-game/201205/throw-away-your-vision-board-0
2. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-reticular-activating-system.htm
Other articles in the series can be found here:
What the Bible Says About Creating Vision Boards + Healing Art Prompt
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