Thursday, October 27, 2016

"Lord, Your Will Be Done!" (A call to prayer and war)

You all know, "greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4)...and yet this doesn't say that we WON'T have to go through circumstances that will test - and PROVE - this truth...

Today is one of those days for me...we are doing a homeschool co-op: you know how it is, people are out sick, classes have to be combined, things seem to be changing hour by hour - a teen boy ate (yes I said ATE!) a dead cricket in his class - the teacher reported great distractions as a result...computers are mysteriously restarting for no reason in computer class...someone mentioned there must be a gremlin here...

I think God is using all this to remind us that we need to be alert and aware right in prayer, expose and pray for ambushes against the plans of the enemy. We cannot ignore the war going on in the heavenlies right now...

So people - if your day has been a bit strange too, please join me in praying "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven!"


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