Here is my messy office/studio. You can see some "works in progress" leaned up against the case of my embroidery machine. Note the knee space with carpet showing!!! And the box full of kindergarten memorabilia still in place!!! Some other "works in progress" leaning up against a desk leg (to the left of the box), some of Angel's artwork - definitely inspirational - to the right of the laptop. I have a great window that you can see (sort of - the gleam of light at the top), and Angel's desk and chair is positioned in front of that window. She likes the "wall of separation" that the sewing machine creates - and she added some wonder things get a little cramped!!!
Below is a close-up of my carpet showing under the knee space - hooray for a little bit of organization lately!
Uuuuuummmmm, can someone get my cleaning lady to vacuum in here? Ha, ha!
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