The text reads...
Yellow is a color that feels peaceful, happy, restorative…bringing a sense that all will be well.

The text continues...
Eternity is set in my heart…
My soul longs for the one who made me…indeed, my spirit within me seeks diligently…and yet, I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I find myself in…
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Cindy, so lovely to visit here and see you're beautiful art.
Lovely to receive your message, I was thinking about the day before.
We must of been connected.
These journal pages are so lovely.
The house I lived in before had a yellow door and now I have a yellow privet bush across the front in this house. Vincent Van gogh loved yellow, maybe it is an healing colour? I think yellow is friendship?
Your lady is so dreamy!
Cindy, so lovely to visit here and see you're beautiful art.
Lovely to receive your message, I was thinking about the day before.
We must of been connected.
These journal pages are so lovely.
The house I lived in before had a yellow door and now I have a yellow privet bush across the front in this house. Vincent Van gogh loved yellow, maybe it is an healing colour? I think yellow is friendship?
Your lady is so dreamy!