chedvah: spelled in Hebrew:
vav - a nail, peg (that holds or anchors)
Vav (pronounced "vahv") looks like a tent peg and actually means hook, as a connecting hook used when the tabernacle was assembled. The very first appearance of an idea, a principle, a word or even a letter holds significance in the original Biblical languages. In the case of "vav" its first appearance in scripture is in Genesis 1:1 - its placement implying the connection between spiritual and earthly matters and as such, the vav represents the connecting force of God, the divine "hook" that binds together heaven and earth.
And it is when our earthly life is "hooked" or nailed together with God, that our lives are made solid and secure...
That hook? How are we nailed together with God? Through nails that held heaven to an earthly cross - the physical embodiment of "vav" in the person of Jesus!
Be Still... series:
Part 1 - Be Still
Part 2 - The Catalyst
Part 3 - Rumblings of the Silence Begin
Part 4 - Revelation Continues
Part 5 - A Nail that Holds and Anchors
Part 6 - Take a Breath, Breathe in God
Part 7 - Deepest Joy
You can stop reading now or continue down to get more is really worth reading section "6 - The Vav, Messiah, and New Creation!
Below is sections 4 and 6 of 'advanced information' about the letter "Vav" from the Hebrew for Christians here to be taken to the site.
4. Vav is a picture of Man
Since Vav represents the number six, it has long been associated as the number of man in the Jewish tradition:
- Man was created on the sixth day
- Man works for six days - the realm of the chol and the mundane
- There are six millennia before the coming of the Mashiach
- The "beast" is identified as the "number of a man" - 666 (Rev 13:18)
6. The Vav, Messiah, and New Creation
When God first created the "generations" of the heavens and the earth, the word toldot (תולדות) is used (Gen. 2:4). This refers to created order before the sin and fall of Adam and Eve. After the fall of Adam, however, the word is spelled differently in the Hebrew text, with a missing letter Vav (i.e., as תלדות). Thereafter, each time the phrase, "these are the generations of" occurs in the Scriptures (a formulaic way of enumerating the generations of the heads of families), the word is spelled "defectively," with the missing Vav (ו). The Vav was "lost." However, when we come to Ruth 4:18 the phrase: 'These are the generations of Perez' is spelled with the missing Vav restored (i.e., as תולדות). In all of Scripture, the only two places where we see the restored spelling is in Genesis 2:4 and Ruth 4:18, which leads to the question as to what connection there might be between the creation of the heavens and the earth, the fall of mankind, and the creation of the family line of Perez?

The Restored Vav is a picture of the Mashiach who would descend from the "generations" of Perez. He would be the one to breach the gates of death on our behalf. Just as the original Vav was lost through the first Adam and his sin, so the Vav is restored the obedience of the "Second Adam," the Mashiach Yeshua.
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