Monday, October 21, 2013

"My Presence will go with you"...Promises for the Wilderness #7

The crowd of those who have experienced the wilderness is extensive. Even though the wilderness is a lonely place, you are not alone in your experience!

The history of God working in and through wilderness in the Scripture is striking and compelling.   This is just a quick and partial list.

Jacob fled to the wilderness to be safe from his brother and wrestled with God there.
We can hide from others in the remote lonely places, but God has designed a divine appointment.

When God freed the Israelites from Egypt, He led into the wilderness; 
and when they were hardened and disobedient, they stayed wandering in the wilderness. 
The wilderness has an end, but you can stay there longer if you want to be stubborn.

God prepared Moses in the wilderness as he shepherded sheep for his father-in-law. 
He also called Moses to lead from there as he hid out and tended his sheep. 
God always knows where you are in the wilderness.

David, “the king after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14),” was also a shepherd 
and was also equipped to lead in wild places. 
David waited till God said his wilderness preparation was over before He left the wilderness.  
Will you?

Elijah the prophet was also familiar with wilderness and met God there.
He went there by himself to rest and recover from his enemies. 
You can learn to appreciate the gifts found in the wilderness.

John the Baptist lived in and ministered from the wilderness.
Sometimes a prophet needs the wilderness to send the message the people need.


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