When the ancient Celtic Christians of Britain felt threatened physically or spiritually they used the Caim (encircling) prayer. The Caim involved both a spoken prayer and a simple ritual. (To some this may sound odd, but it is nearer to prophetic acts of the Old Testament prophets or words and symbolism, eg baptism, communion, even handshaking or stopping at red traffic lights, that are used today.) The "simple ritual" was the actual "drawing of a circle" in the air using ones hand, much like making the sign of the cross at the end of a prayer that some of our Christian brothers and sisters use. The act helps make the connection with God's Presence more real, visible, in this physical world. Brother Tadhg Jonathan calls these "enacted" prayers.
There are several prayers called caim, and the individual is encouraged to adapt them according to need.
Here are some samples:
The sacred three
my fortress be
encircling me
come and be round
my hearth and home. (Prayer from Outer Hebrides)
From : Susan Gaddis
Use your imagination to see yourself and those you are praying for surrounded by the safety of the Father’s care and protection.
Here are several ancient caim prayers from Celtic Daily Prayer.
Circle me, Lord. Keep protection near and danger afar.See how easy it is? The basic structure of a caim prayer looks like these examples. Simply insert the name of the person you are praying for and change the wording to suit the circumstances.
Circle me, Lord. Keep light near and darkness afar.
Circle me, Lord. Keep peace within; keep evil out.
Circle (name), Lord. Keep (name the good you want revealed) near and (name the evil you want removed) afar.
Circle (name), Lord. Keep comfort near and discouragement afar. Keep peace within and turmoil out.
Circle (name), Lord. Keep hope within and despair without.
Another example of Christian Caim prayer can be found on the Anam Chara book website - this is by Bruce Epperly: Drawing a Circle of Love: The Celtic Encircling Prayer
I found another sweet place that discusses the Caim prayer style at "Being Benedictine" here.
(Blogpost updated 03/15/2023)
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