Another one in the "Fruit of the Spirit" series...Home is the best living illustration of constant love and faithfulness that I know of - thus a little treehouse for ... butterflies? Fairies? Birds? Or perhaps a highly imaginative symbol of your own home?!
I didn't start out painting a night-time scene...but with the deep blue and the circular strokes I used to put in some white, the background sort of shaped up like a moonlit night...I did an antique glaze over this one, too, still didn't like it, and realized that a guardian angel would fit in nicely behind the tree. I used a light wash for the wings. Her hair was black, but my little girl thought it looked too mean, so I added white streaks which my little girl really liked, and she really liked that it made the angel look holy and fierce.
I just noticed...the leaves are sort of heart shaped too! That will tie in nicely with the hearts in the robin picture for patience!
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