1. Pick up the package, hold it close to your heart, and twirl around the kitchen a few times...
2. Kiss the writing in the "From" corner...
3. Delicately touch your fingertips - with wonder - over the "Addressed to" writing...

5. Sit on the bed together and babble about "Isn't it nice, I got a package in the mail...!"
6. Carefully open the superlarge envelope (which is the package) and slide out any card or letter that is inside, all the time making sure that you really don't see what the gift is quite yet...
7. Kiss the card and/or letter...

9. Peek inside the package, and if the present isn't wrapped, make sure it is face down or that you look away as you draw it out of its container...
and I must mention here that all the while you might be smiling, or at least the corners of your mouth turned up, and that there are a million stars in your eyes sparkling to mirror the beaming joy of your soul...

10. Carefully draw out the gift...
11. Look at the person with you and ask if they are ready for the reveal, when they nod acknowledgement, take a gentle breath, hold it, and...
12. Turn the gift over!
13. Gasp with the beauty of it!
14. Babble about every detail to the person you are with...let the words of awe tumble over each other as you both just pour out all sorts of comments and blessings on the one who gave it...
15. Hug the gift to your heart as you close your eyes and smile...
16. Prominently display it and share it with everyone who comes by...
And THAT is how you REALLY receive a gift!
and I imagine to myself, how receiving the gift of Christ the first time, and every day might look if I used her example....
Linking up with Tiffini at:
Linking up with Emily at:
Post a Comment
Thoughtful post, rare and true.
You final words really pull it al together.
Thank you Ollie!
what passion. i could learn a thing or two from your daughter. lovely post :)
wow. think i would give more gifts if mine were received that way..smiles.
LOVE this!! Thank you for letting us be a part of this gift that your daughter received :)
Wow, this one knows how to mine joy. (May I say that this post shows that her mama may know to mine it as well.) treasuring you treasuring her treasuring her gift
I do love gifts. I hope my response to the gift of salvation was as special. I'll be thinking about this one for a while.
Cindy, Your words are a gift!
yes...I am thinking on this. How might that look if I LIVED in that spirit each day? if we lived as if we are receiving Him anew every single day! Now that is deep Cindy:)
I'm thinking I may practice this today...just to see!
I love the joy found in gifts -- I think things like this bless the giver just as much.
How precious. If the person who sent the gift doesn't read your blog, you should print out your post and mail it to him or her.
I miss real mail.....
tears.... this is so extraordinarily beautiful.
A beautiful reciting of a receiving. I will have to try this. :)