Some of my vintage dishware collection |
Outside my window...it is still dark as I write this, I am up early this morning...and I can hear the earth rousing from the night's slumber...
I am thinking...about getting sticky notes to do a window gratitude "journal" with sweet tweener...
I am thankful... 1) for His mercies new every morning, 2) night cuddles with sweet tweener, 3) more time, every day, more time for family and love and the giving of self that makes life meaningful...
In the kitchen...the counters are clean! (They tend to attract stacks of school paper, used glasses, and mail.)
I am wearing...camouflage colored loose pants and a white T-shirt.
I am creating...a tutorial for fiber-art bird nests.
I am going...to try out a knitting club that meets at our local library later this afternoon.
I am wondering...how to organize and prioritize all the creative ideas bombarding my mind these days!
I am reading...over the next lesson/chapter for the "Finding Sanctuary" class.
I am hoping...to navigate these tween and coming teen years with wisdom and grace {sigh}...
I am looking forward to...the month of April - so many fun days - Palm Sunday, Easter, Angel's birthday, plus Special Olympics Equestrian competition that we will be helping with this year!
I am learning...more techniques in Photoshop - love the art of that!
Around the house...clutter, always clutter...
I am pondering...on how to decorate each room around more of a theme {instead of early American garage thrift - I think, using the same techniques (thrifting) I could do victorian shabby chic...)
A favorite quote for today...I found a bunch on Tumblr...but, I will only share two:
"We do not remember days; we remember moments" by Cesare Pavese
One of my favorite things...Vintage dishware!
A few plans for the rest of the week...a trip to Hobby Lobby for wooden egg shapes to paint and perhaps some artificial bird nests for a table setting...
A peek into my day...
My "Texture Tuesday" photo for today...processed with a levels adjustment layer, one layer of Kim's texture "Flourish" at Multiply blend mode and 38% opacity; one layer of "Be Still" at Multiply blend mode and 58% opacity; a pink color adjustment layer, and each layer has a mask over the plates and cup... |
A Scripture to meditate on from this morning:
"The L
ORD’S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
" - Lamentations 3:23
Lectio Divina:
We read the passage slowly:
We meditate on the Word or phrase:
We talk with God: Oratio
We are silent: Contemplatio
Diary of 5
I am seeing... a thick carpet of bluebonnets across our property...
I am hearing...crickets, frogs, morning bird song and an occasional dog barking...
I am smelling...that morning cup of coffee!
I tasted...great food at the new Chinese Buffet in Weatherford on Saturday after we were done volunteering at the ranch.
I am feeling...a tickle in my throat; I think I may be catching Angel's cold...